Thursday, 15 September 2011

Craziest 9days

Dont know where to start! I have had the craziest 9days.. from a tv channel approaching me, doing a screen test for the show which was meant to last 30min but lasted a hr.. boy o boy I can if it was a sport I would have gold medal, ( was soooo excited too ), Then I was invited to the Caribbean to attend an event late this month, and Finland but not till November ALL in the same week & not for getting all what goes with running  Miss Community UK & preparing for the National on 24th sept. My feet have barely touched the ground when a very kool company invited me to be on their books.

Its been fun scary exciting, scary a little more mix in with a touch of drama, then i'm like kool calm chillllllllllllied out just kicking back into my flow then.... BAM!.. More Seriously I need a

Will next week be as exciting?.. well you will have to read the next episode of Welcome to my world.

Love & Light x

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